Introduction to M.E.A.T. (Coming Soon!)

Our Engineering Process

1. Research

  1. Look for inspiration

  2. Research pre-existing designs

  3. Brainstorm every idea you think of

2. Design

  1. Sketch the idea

  2. Predict failure points and reinforce

  3. Use CAD to make a 3D model of your project

3. Build

  1. Use part drawings as instructions

  2. Build sub-assemblies

  3. Configure sub-assemblies together

4. Test

  1. Test all capabilities

  2. Assess all possible weakpoints

  3. Return to Step 2 until product is refined

Want to CAD but dont know where to start?

We offer dozens of Onshape CAD tutorials, taking you from the basics of sketching to elaborate part drawings and complex assemblies. Click below to get started!

Using the CAD software Onshape, we 3D modeled these project. If you're interested in the projects you see here, you can take a full dive into them by clicking the buttons below.